Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Monkey: Cast and Crew

For casting, we had a fairly simple process. In terms of the main three characters, Ethan and I wrote the script around us and our mutual friend Corey, and we were inspired by our real life friendship dynamic. We decided that it would be best for us to star as ourselves, just because we had already written ourselves into the script, and we were all communicative and generally on the same creative page, thus making the directing process easier.
We did reach complications with Corey's initial character however. We had originally written Corey into the plot as the main character for the sole reason that our filming location was his house. His role demanded a lot of screen time and emotional acting, which he told us he was not comfortable with. To fix this, we switched around the roles, and gave the lead role to Ethan.
On the crew side of things, we hired my brother Liam to be our cameraman/cinematographer. Liam studies film at the nearby Lynn University, and he and I have worked on past films together, including the fake 90's PSA, "Teen Zone," which I have linked below.
With our cast and crew figured out, we set our filming date for March 7, 2020 at the Coral Falls Apartment Complex.

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