Friday, February 21, 2020

The Monkey: Set Construction and Mise-en-scene

Since our film is an homage to late 70's/80's slasher films, we realized early on that we would have to slightly remodel Corey's apartment to fit the setting and add the the intro's mise-en-scene.
To start with, we had to remove a couple things from Corey's room, like his desktop computer and his flatscreen television. We knew we had to have a television in the scene, so we took to Craigslist to find an old tube TV to fit in with the 1980's aesthetic. We were able to purchase one in a city roughly 10 miles away from us for only $20. For our video game console, we used Ethan's Nintendo Entertainment System.
We also made sure to costume ourselves according to 80's fashion trends, so we wore jeans, tucked in our shirts, and wore ratty old shoes.
For the murder scene, blood presented a unique problem. Corey's entire apartment is carpeted (much like most 70's/80's suburban homes) so leaking blood over the floor was not an option for us. To combat this problem, we placed an old carpet on the area of the floor we were filming the scene in. We positioned it to look like it blended in with the room's aesthetic, so as to not remove the viewer from the experience.

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