Friday, September 6, 2019

Ethan Gets Murked: Shot Analysis

First Shot: Establishing of the school. This establishes the bleak setting of the school, and sets the tone for the rest of the short.

Second shot: Long shot of lockers. This shot establishes the internal setting, and sets up the next shot of Ethan

Third shot: over the shoulder. Zooms out of PoV into an over the shoulder of Ethan opening his locker

Fourth shot: Single of Ethan from inside the locker. Shows the setting from the perspective of inside the locker

Fifth shot: Long shot of Ethan and Garrett walking to gym. It helps make a simple quick and easy visual transition that documents the characters moving from point A to point B

Sixth shot: Low angle of Ethan and Garrett fighting. Low angles help show the importance of the scene while imposing a sense of miniscule-ness in the audience 

Seventh shot: Garrett knocks camera from low angle into a dutch angle. Unique transition into next shot, shows that characters have a 4th wall effect and makes the audience apart of the action

Eighth shot: High Angle of Ethan at the bathroom sink. It gives the audience a clearer view of the setting while making the focused character

Ninth shot: Close up of Ethan, he has a black eye. Humanizes character that’s being focused on while conveying strong emotions in the audience depending on what the mood is at the moment

Tenth shot: zoom out from the close up to a long shot. Wraps up the character story by transitioning to a close up to a long angle, it also frames the character giving all the focus to that specific character


Garebear said...

Jose Castro's Video

Extreme Close-Up: Allows us to see the emotion and worry within the character's eyes. This shot made me feel anxious

360 Pan/Close-Up: The pan around emphasizes the character's transformation from innocent to a JUUL user.

Full Shot: The shot reestablishes a setting from a previous scene from a new character's perspective. The shot made me feel anxious and shocked.

Double Shot: The double shot allows for two characters to express their feelings in quick succession, which gave off a comedic tone.

Garebear said...

Keith Lowe's Video

Over the Shoulder: The two over the shoulder shots help the audience view the conversation from a first-second person point of view.

Extreme Close-Up: The shot dramatizes the character's dialogue by focusing on the lips.

Dutch Angle: The shot emphasizes the character's feeling of confusion and shock.

Medium Shot: The medium shot is reminiscent of TV documentaries, of which the short is emulating.

Garebear said...
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The Clown: Working Around The Problems of the Rough Cut

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